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COMMON CONCERNS IN HANDLING YOUR AUTO DAMAGES CLAIM FOLLOWING A WRECK – Installment 3: Where to get your car or truck repaired

Clients frequently inquire as to whether they are required to use the repair shop recommended by the insurance company to fix your damaged car or truck following a wreck.  I normally recommend to the client that you do use the repair shop that has been recommended by the insurance company.  This will prevent any descrepency between the estimate for damages retained by the insurance company and how much the body shop is going to charge for the repairs.  However, you are not required to use the body shop recommended by the insurance company.  N.C. Gen. Stat 58-33-76 protects your right to choose any body shop you would like to use to repair your vehicle.  Please feel free to call us at 919-719-2750 or email us at [email protected] if you would like to discuss this issue or any property damage issues further. 

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