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North Carolina Child Care Negligence
Child care negligence takes many forms. In North Carolina, children injured at day care centers or while under the supervision of a private care provider may not be able to speak for themselves.
The help of a North Carolina child injury lawyer protects children’s rights.

Whether families use in-home or out-of-home child care services, individuals and day care centers are responsible for the well-being of a child. The Raleigh child injury lawyers at Owens & Miller work with families who suspect their child care provider is providing inadequate care and we also handle cases for families who have evidence of negligence.
There may be more than one party to pursue with an injury claim after a child is hurt. There may be other causes in addition to or instead of negligent supervision. Perhaps a neighbor failed to keep their dog restrained and your child was bitten by a dog? Was your child hurt on a playground as a result of faulty manufacturing? Was the playground not built properly? Consider the areas of liability in a swimming accident. Did the property owner neglect to adequately fence the pool? Was a caregiver supposed to have up-to-date Basic Life Support certification?
If you believe your child is the victim of day care negligence in North Carolina, schedule a consultation with our attorneys. Our Raleigh child injury lawyers help families with children who are injured at day care centers learn if the center:
- Violates safety standards imposed by the NC Department of Human Services
- Has a history of injury or abuse reports
- Fails to provide certified and trained staff
- Neglects to meet Child Care Rules in the NC General Statutes
All of these factors can be difficult to manage while a parent or guardian is helping their child recover from physical or emotional trauma. Let our Raleigh child injury lawyers show you all available options in simplified terms. If your child was in a fatal accident, learn the basics of North Carolina wrongful death administration.
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We handle personal injury cases in Wake County and surrounding counties of central and eastern North Carolina. Call 919-719-2750, or contact us about your situation.