North Carolina Texting While Driving Accidents

It is against the law for North Carolina drivers to text or read text messages or emails, hold their cell phones to text or email, or use the Internet and other applications while a vehicle is in motion.
The few reports conducted that study texting while driving statistics in North Carolina consistently show that the majority of drivers will admit to breaking this law even though they know it is unsafe.
When it comes to this type of negligence, the Raleigh distracted driving attorneys at Owens & Miller PLLC hold negligent drivers accountable. Our accident lawyers have handled more than 1,500 North Carolina car accident cases, many of which involved distracted driving as a primary or contributing factor.
Distracted driving accidents may involve serious injuries. Drivers operating a mobile device may likely be involved in an accident that involves speeding or head-on impact. While a driver is preoccupied with a smartphone or other mobile device, they may drift into oncoming traffic, fail to swerve to avoid an object or other car, or not maintain a safe speed. Rear-end collisions, running a red light, drifting into another lane – all of these are possible if the driver’s eyes and attention are not on the road. Mobile phone use behind the wheel is so dangerous, a texting driver is eight times more likely to cause an accident than a drunk driver.
The attorneys at Owens & Miller understand how these factors contribute to the injuries and damages suffered by victims. Our Raleigh auto accident lawyers aggressively pursue full compensation if a collision was caused by someone who was texting while driving or otherwise dangerously preoccupied.
When you are ready to have your case reviewed by a lawyer, contact our firm at 919.719.2750. If your recovery prevents you from visiting our Raleigh law office, whether you’re recovering at home or in a hospital, we will be there for you.
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We handle personal injury cases in Wake County and surrounding counties of central and eastern North Carolina. Call 919-719-2750, or contact us about your situation.